The 5CKL series is an economical and highly efficient air handling unit which can be recommended for various applications. High durability and easy maintenance.

Air Flow up to 300.000 m3/h in 60 mm panel thickness.
The packaged panel and concrete applications respond to all kinds of customer requirements.
Starting from 760x760 mm and providing almost unlimited incremental sizing, each air flow can be provided.
- Air Flow up to 300.000 m3/h
- Modular design
- Various applications
- Aluminum and stainless steel profile options
- Easy maintenance
- Lower costs
Life Cycle Costing of AHUs with average life-span ranging from 15 to 20 years is mostly (%82-83) the energy they consume. The rest is capital expenses by %11-12 and maintenance costs by %6-7. Can Klima engineers are working on more efficient designs by focusing on energy consumption and the capital expenses.
ErP (Energy-Related Products) Directives
The goal of the ErP Directive is to protect the climate by increasing the overall share of renewable energy in the EU to 20 % by 2020 and to increase energy efficiency by 20 %. The system efficiency requirements are the premise for the CE marking and therefore must be met for use in the EU member states and devices & components exported to Europe.
The ErP implementing measure for fans defines the minimum efficiency requirements for fans with an output range of 125 W to 500 kW. When assessing whether a fan fulfils these requirements, the efficiency of the entire system is evaluated – this consists of the motor, transmission (e. g. belt drive) and impeller.
The minimum fan efficiency for fans is %63.1 and fans with below values are not available.
For heat recovery units, thermal bypass is required and air conditioning units with thermal efficiency of 73% are produced under ErP 2018 standards.
ErP - Efficiency Requirements
AHU Selection
AHU Selection is a selection program developed by the company itself, which quickens and simplifies the selection of the AHU in terms of features and dimensions that the customer needs. With AHU Selection, AHUs become ready for production with a few minor revisions.
AHU Selection has an easy and clear interface and selection flexibility based on the values.
The projects prepared by all of the users are stored in a common database and the users can access the projects within the scope of their authorization.
Finding previous projects will be hard when stored projects increased much. To avoid this situation, users can search any value in the project. For example; users can list projects which project name include “ROCK” or AHU airflow is greater than or equal to 50.000 m3/h or “Klingenburg” branded rotary heat recovery module including AHUs.
The design of AHU can be seen from the sides, top, front and rear. During the selection, the drawing of AHU on the screen is vectorial and all of the AHU selection can be exported by DXF format in AutoCAD. The drawing on screen while designing and the drawing in AutoCAD will be same.
The technical reports can be transferred into PDF, Excel, Word or Html formats. You can also send the file in that format via e-mail from the program.
With the help of 90° and 180° rotation modules, AHUs can be designed with two or more layers without using heat recovery module. It is also possible to design an AHU in the shape of maze by 90° rotation module.
Users can identify new module-based accessory types, select them in preferred AHUs and add automatically to the cost of AHU.
Users can specify a new AHU dimension specific for that AHU except the standard AHU modules during selection. It is also possible to specify module-based special dimension within the AHU.
Users can obtain detailed production information of all material and workmanship used during the production of AHU, based on module, AHU and project. You can calculate production duration of AHU.
Interior Lighting (Lightening with Switch): In-module lightening
Observation Window: Double-glass window for observation purpose
Door Sensor: Safety switch for doors
Roof (Sheet Metal/Canvas): Waterproof solutions for external units
Factory Prewired Unit: Prewiring option decreases the amount of electrical work at site in a way that all in-unit cablings are excluded from scope of electrical contractor. Jack type connections and hidden cablings prevent any complications during assembly or future use.